Peer Review Process

Manuscripts submitted to the IJT are reviewed by at least two (preferred three) experts (double-blind). which means the identities of the authors are concealed from the reviewers, and vice versa. To facilitate this, the manuscript should include the following separately:

a) Title page (with author details): This should include the title, authors' names, affiliations, acknowledgments and any Declaration of Interest statement, and a complete address for the corresponding author including an e-mail address.

b) Blinded manuscript (no author details): The main body of the paper (including the references, figures, tables and any acknowledgments) should not include any identifying information, such as the authors' names or affiliations. 

c) Ensure that file names do not include the authors' names.

  • Reviewers are asked to evaluate the quality of the manuscript and to provide a recommendation to the external editor on whether a manuscript can be accepted, requires revisions or should be rejected.

  • All contributions will be initially assessed by the editor for suitability for the journal.

  • The invited reviewers will be asked to:

    • Accept or decline any invitations quickly, based on the manuscript title and abstract;

    • Suggest alternative reviewers if an invitation must be declined (if applicable);

    • Request an extension in case more time is required to compose a report (Please contact the editorial office if you require an extension to the review deadline);

    • Let us know if anyone else, such as a student or colleague, will participate in writing the review (to complete the review on their behalf or not);

    • Rate the originality, significance, quality of the presentation, scientific soundness, interest to the readers, overall merit and English level of the manuscript;

    • Look at the reference list of the manuscript and check if there are inappropriate self-citations;

    • Provide an overall recommendation for the publication of the manuscript;

    • Provide a reviewing detailed, Review Form;

Rating Criteria of the Manuscript

Reviewers rate the following aspects of the manuscript:

  • Originality/Novelty: Is the question original and well-defined? Do the results provide an advance in current knowledge?

  • Significance: Are the results interpreted appropriately? Are they significant? Are all conclusions justified and supported by the results? Are hypotheses and speculations carefully identified as such?

  • Quality of Presentation: Is the article written appropriately? Are the data and analyses presented appropriately? Are the highest standards for the presentation of the results used?

  • Scientific Soundness: is the study correctly designed and technically sound? Are the analyses performed with the highest technical standards? Are the data robust enough to conclude? Are the methods, tools, software, and reagents described with sufficient details to allow another researcher to reproduce the results?

  • Interest to the Readers: Are the conclusions interesting for the readership of the Journal? Will the paper attract a wide readership, or be of interest only to a limited number of people? (please see the Aims and Scope of the journal)

  • Overall Merit: Is there an overall benefit to publishing this work? Does the work provide an advance towards the current knowledge? Do the authors have addressed an important long-standing question with smart experiments?

  • English Level: Is the English language appropriate and understandable?

a-   Overall Recommendation

Reviewers provide an overall recommendation for the publication of the manuscript as follows:

  • Accept in Present Form: The paper is accepted without any further changes, to ensure a fast publication process of the article, we ask authors to provide us with their proof corrections within two days..

  • Conditionally Accepted: The paper is in principle accepted after revision based on the reviewer’s comments. Authors are given five days for minor revisions.

  • Reject: The article has serious flaws, makes no original contribution, and the paper is rejected with no offer of resubmission to the journal.

Note that Reviewer recommendation is visible only to journal editors, not to the authors. 

b-   Publication Ethics

Manuscripts submitted to the IJT should meet the highest standards of the following:

  • Manuscripts should only report results that have not been submitted or published before, even in part.

  • Manuscripts must be original and should not be text from another source without appropriate citation.

  • The studies reported should have been carried out by generally accepted ethical research standards.